5 Things To Get Right To Keep Your Relationship During Lockdown

So, you are here. It means you are being a responsible citizen keeping yourself in home-quarantine. But it also means that your relationship with your special one is taking a hit. Thus you are seeking out ways to keep your Relationship During Lockdown. First of all, there are no hacks in this segment of life. The things we will discuss here will prove to be useful long after we leave behind these dreadful times. So let’s cut the small talk and get started.

Aspects You Need To Take Care Of To Keep Your Relationship During Lockdown

1. Fight

couple fighting

Yes, it sounds somewhat counter intuitive. Fighting? Especially when you have not seen the other person for months? But think for a moment, isn’t the goal is to keep the relationship authentic? And have there been any real relation without fights and arguments? No, you should fight intentionally. All I’m saying is don’t suppress your feelings to avoid one.

Moreover taking a break for a day or two after the fight makes you feel more for the other person.

2. Intimacy

love between couple during lockdown

What is the worst thing you can do when you can’t physically meet your partner? Yes, it is to ignore intimacy. Intimacy is among the most important aspects of a relationship. Hence, ignoring it can create monotony. Though you can’t physically meet one another you have plenty of ways to spice up things. What are they? With the easy access to the Internet, you have options from call to video chat, sharing your favourite movies to your deepest fantasies.

But both of you surely need to take the security of your materials with grave concerns.

3. Sharing

Couple sharing love in bedroom

Who knew that the old saying sharing is caring would prove itself to be so precisely relevant in current times? When it comes to your relationship sharing your favourite songs, the stories you have been reading, or even streaming shows or movies together (not physically, rather at the same time) can work magically. They allow you to grow upon each others’ intellectual sides even when you are separated by this lockdown.

4. Helping

couple helping each other in kitchen

So by far, we have covered interaction, affection, and intellectual compatibility. Do you know what comes next? Next comes vulnerability. It is a pandemic we are dealing with after all. Things are not all sunshine and rosy by any means. Rather things are turning grimmer with each passing day. This is just the time when you two help each other out staying strong, focused, and resourceful.

5. Communication

couple communicating with each other while tea time

The last thing you should know is communicating your spouse especially when you have seemingly unlimited time is that quantity doesn’t equate to quality. Engaging in a conversation with your spouse for an excessively extended period of time can end up talking in circles. Rather you should aim to strike a meaningful and deep conversation.

Also, don’t be unreasonable if the other person isn’t available when you want him or her to be. Respecting each others’ time and priority is among the core essential aspects to keep your relationship during Lockdown.

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